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Project work packages

The Human Uterus Cell Atlas (HUTER) project aims to create the single-cell and spatial reference map of the human uterus. HUTER project will provide unprecedented insight at transcriptomic, genomic and spatial changes of this important female organ not only throughout the menstrual cycle but also across lifespan. The human uterus is a flagship reproductive organ with profound implications not only in reproduction but also in women's health. HUTER can advance the Human Cell Atlas initiative for the exploitation potential in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and biomedicine research areas such as Regenerative Medicine or Reproductive Medicine.

The uterus is itself a model for regenerative medicine since (i) endometrial tissue regenerates monthly and its transformation is executed through dynamic changes in states and interactions of multiple cell types, and (ii) myometrial tissue has remarkable regenerative capacity and extensive remodelling throughout pregnancy. Hence, the primary motivation HUTER proposal stems from the need to better understand the human uterus in order to more effectively address uterine diseases that impact women's health such as myomas or endometriosis and/or might contribute to infertility, infant and maternal mortality and morbidity.

HUTER technological and biological platform will be a crucial resource for the scientific and clinical communities to define the cellular basis of health and disease, allowing the rapid development of new diagnosis and prognosis tools and therapeutic advancements in the field.


Coordination with the HCA initiative and guidance for ethical and legal compliance, led by INCLIVA.


Design of the cloud-based open access platform, led by BAHIA SOFTWARE.


Procurement of endometrium and myometrium tissues in three European regions (Estonia, UK and Spain) under the responsibility of COMPETENCE CENTRE ON HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES, WELLCOME SANGER INSTITUTE and INCLIVA, respectively.


Molecular characterisation of the endometrium and myometrium tissue al cellular resolution, led by WELLCOME TRUST SANGER INSTITUTE.


Epigenomics characterisation at single cell resolution of endometrium and myometrium, led by UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA.


High resolution spatial mapping of endometrium and myometrium, led by UPPSALA UNIVERSITY.


Implementation of advanced visualisation tools, integration of HUTER platform and validation of its usability, led by BAHIA SOFTWARE.


Dissemination and communication activities, and innovation management, led by INCLIVA.


Project management, led by INCLIVA.